My Life, My Though, My View, My Style

This is my Blog about the way i think. All comments are welcome.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Goodbye Trainee Frm MMU 2008: Shin and Janice

It is a great months of 2 trainees from MMU join the company since 1 Jun 2008. Today 31 October 2008 is the last day they in the company.

Even though we do not have the chance working together, but we share our feel for the local issue that happen in Malaysia. Seem like we stand at the same side.

Hope that after 1 year, when you all finish your study in MMU, both of you can join the company and become my real colleuge....

A souvenir from Shin.. which i don't know what is it.

Friday, September 26, 2008

My Short Trip to Hatyai

During last 29 August 2008, people in Malaysia busy want to celebrate the 51st Malaysia National day, while i apply 1/2 day leave and got to KL and then at night go to Hatyai with my sister and brother-in-law's family. Of course, my parents also went there too.

We start the journey around 11pm in the Friday night and reach at Hatyai around 9am.. Lucky me no need to drive there..wahaha... i just become a passenger and just sit there and sleep.

In Hatyai city, just go pray pray ... i took some temple picture in Hatyai city.. There is a lot temple picture took at Hatyai.. but all is my sister camera.. no yet have chance to get it...

No yet know what is the temple name

Goddess of mercy

View from the 4 face god temple
