My Life, My Though, My View, My Style

This is my Blog about the way i think. All comments are welcome.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The reason no blog for some time

Just a few days ago i have receive a complain for a friend, johntim, ask me how come i no update the blog since December 2008. So sorry lol.. frenz. Thanks for concern to know what i am up to.

Actually, my nephew is living with my family now. I do not have time to write the blog as he always stick to me, and want to take over my laptop. Oh No!!! That's horrible! Does he look so cute? 100% is very cute, and is a very clever boy. Now he is 3 years old, but already know what should do and what shouldn't do. He love candy so much until you can ask him to do anything if the rewards is a candy. (This uncle so bad, ask people to fool he own nephew).



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